Parasite in city all zombie attacks
Parasite in city all zombie attacks

parasite in city all zombie attacks

He officially left the company soon after a stall in the Tyrant Project and began work as a spy, leading to a career in the United States Army and eventually with S.T.A.R.S.

parasite in city all zombie attacks

As a senior researcher linked to the t-Virus Project as early as 1978, he bore witness to, and at times shaped, Umbrella's B.O.W. Originally one of the test subjects in Project W who specialised in biotechnology and bioengineering, Wesker was an elite perfectionist individual of absolute coldness, always wearing deep-black sunglasses that gave him an even more unapproachable air. Albert Wesker ( アルバート・ウェスカー ?) (c.1960-2009) was an accomplished virologist notorious for his work with groups affiliated with the bio-weapons black market.

Parasite in city all zombie attacks